templates/backend/partials/_table_result_header.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="table-bar mb-4">
  2.     <div class="row">
  3.         <div class="col-4">
  4.             <h4>{{ count }} {{ entityName }}</h4>
  5.         </div>
  6.         <div class="col-8 text-end">
  7.             {% block other_button_before %}{% endblock %}
  8.             {% if buttons is defined %}
  9.                 {% for button in buttons %}
  10.                     {% if button.display %}
  11.                         <a href="{{ button.url }}" class="{{ button.class }}">
  12.                             {% if button.icon is defined %}
  13.                                 <i class="{{ button.icon }}"></i>
  14.                             {% endif %}
  15.                             {{ button.label }}
  16.                         </a>
  17.                     {% endif %}
  18.                 {% endfor %}
  19.             {% endif %}
  20.             {% if showExportButtons is defined and showExportButtons == true and is_granted('ROLE_EXPORT') %}
  21.                 <button
  22.                         class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"
  23.                         data-controller="export"
  24.                         data-export-url-value="{{ path('advanced_export', {entity: entity, type: 'excel'}) }}"
  25.                 >
  26.                     <i class="fa-solid fa-download"></i> Export Excel
  27.                 </button>
  28.                 <button
  29.                         class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"
  30.                         data-controller="export"
  31.                         data-export-url-value="{{ path('advanced_export', {entity: entity, type: 'csv'}) }}"
  32.                 >
  33.                     <i class="fa-solid fa-download"></i> Export CSV
  34.                 </button>
  35.                 <div
  36.                         class="modal fade"
  37.                         id="loadingModal"
  38.                         tabindex="-1"
  39.                         aria-labelledby="loadingModalLabel"
  40.                         aria-hidden="true"
  41.                         data-bs-backdrop="static"
  42.                         data-bs-keyboard="false"
  43.                 >
  44.                     <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered">
  45.                         <div class="modal-content">
  46.                             <div class="modal-header d-none">
  47.                                 <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button>
  48.                             </div>
  49.                             <div class="modal-body">
  50.                                 <h4 class="text-center">Génération du fichier en cours</h4>
  51.                                 <div class="text-center mt-4"><i class="fas fa-circle-notch fa-spin fa-4x"></i></div>
  52.                             </div>
  53.                         </div>
  54.                     </div>
  55.                 </div>
  56.             {% endif %}
  57.             {% block other_button_after %}{% endblock %}
  58.         </div>
  59.     </div>
  60. </div>